Ask Spacebot!



Saturday, February 23, 2002

Q: Why is it that a guy will spend 9 months trying to get out of the womb, and
the rest of his life trying to get right back in?

-- Blue

A: Well, as cute as that line may be, I don't agree with it at all. Let me break it down for you...

First of all, ask your mother about being in labour with you. I'm sure she'll tell you, "you just didn't want to come out!" That is what I hear most mothers say about having babies. So, assuming that the entire 9 months is spent "trying to get out" is ludicrous. If I remember correctly, it was quite comfy in there!

And second of all, this may be a "deeper" question than how I'm perceiving it, but if you mean that guys just like to get right back to that pussy, then "womb" would be the wrong word to use. Not even Ron Jeremy can slam his unit into a woman's uterus.

So, there you have it. Silly puns are silly puns.

spacebot - 2:58 PM



